Monday, January 2, 2012

Rules for artwork inspired by Work of Art, Season 2, Challenge #10

Happy New Year! It's time for our final challenge!! Correction, MY final challenge. Emily *ahem* has a little bit further to go. It's time for our own interpretation of the Work of Art Season 2 finale! The challenge is to create a collection that will stun and amaze the art world. Our interpretation: create a collection that we think is semi-artistic, that will stun the art world because the art world doesn't think it is even remotely artistic. OK, I'll be a little bit more optimistic. We'll create a collection of at least 3 pieces, representing our personal style.

Due date: the evening of Sunday, 8 January 2012!

Update: As of the evening of 8 January, I'm approximately 67% done with the project. So I'm going to be nice to myself and say "post it by 15 January." So that is my new deadline. The evening of 15 January.